ZinCo is an expansive and distinguished green roof system from Germany. They have over 50 years of experience with green roofs from all over the world. ZinCo green roof systems are divided into extensive and intensive green roofs. Our selection also includes products for challenging slanted green roofs, roof driveways, and green roof solar panels. Green roofs and roof gardens can be installed on many kinds of roofs, roof terraces, and decks. The interest towards green roofs has been increasing in the recent years due to their excellent properties, such as runoff water retention, noise dampening, thermal regulation and absorbing dust particles into the growth base. A green roof, roof garden, or roof terrace can be a utility garden, a beautiful relaxation area with paths, an expansive and diverse green area with water motifs, or an easy to maintain blossoming stonecrop area. Investing in a green roof pays itself back in cost savings. Green roofs introduce more green areas in urban environments!